10 Efficient Cooking Tips & Tricks
Cooking is the chore a household can’t live without because it involves the food to be served. It is what makes kitchen very important in sustaining the movement of a family. It takes experience to gain the confidence in the kitchen.
There are either one or two dedicated persons doing this task three times a day, depending on how many people would require it. The truth is, for the sake of survival, everyone must know how to cook.
TIP #1:
Wash fruits and vegetables thoroughly before peeling to avoid losing the necessary nutrients than washing it after peeling.

TIP #2:
Do not put gelatine and creams in the freezer for extended hours until rock frozen or they will collapse and appear coagulated.
TIP #3:
Remove fish odor from soiled hands by rinsing with lemon juice or common white vinegar, rinse with water again then wash with soap and water
TIP #4:
Wrap vegetables with paper bags before keeping in the fridge to extend its freshness

TIP #5:
Never wash fresh meat before storing to avoid contamination
TIP #6:
Have separate neat cutting board for fresh fruits, vegetables and cooked foods directly served on the table. Separate the heavy duty cutting board you use for uncooked goods.

TIP #7:
Use microwave oven sensibly. Avoid boiling water in cups for extended seconds to prevent accident of spillage after opening the microwave door.
TIP #8:
For emergency knife sharpening, use scissor shears by sliding the knife repeatedly through it.
TIP #9:
Boil eggs in lower heat before increasing the temperature to avoid breaking the shell due to heat shock. You can also avoid the break by adding vinegar to the water.

TIP #10:
You will not realize, but a kitchen needs functional scissors, which is oftentimes taken for granted as a basic need.

HINT #1:
When vegetables turn bright green while cooking, it means they are almost done. Do not extend cooking, lower down the heat. Serve at once.
HINT #2:
When the oil in the wok is swirling with smoke, it means the heat is sufficient for frying.
HINT #4:
You can never go wrong cooking hard vegetables (such as potatoes, cabbage, papaya, etc) by setting a timer 5 minutes to a maximum of 7 minutes.
HINT #5:
When cooking fish, the frying is usually noisy, take a hint when the frying sound diminish. It means the fish is ready for turning.
HINT #6:
Sugar has higher temperature when subjected to cooking. Take precaution on its preparation by minimizing the heat or it will get bitter to the taste.
HINT #7:
If something is missing in the food you are cooking, a dash of sugar can balance the excess salt and spices to it.
HINT #8:
Smell is something realistic when cooking. It will not deny what is happening or if the food is getting charred in the stove. Be sure you to have warning devices while cooking especially if you are busy or watching TV.
HINT #9:
When tasting the food you are cooking, high temperature numbs the taste buds, if you feel saturated and can’t seem to assess the food well, drink water before tasting again.
HINT #10:
If you don’t like after tastes (say garlic) in your sweet deserts cooked in syrup, use glass cookware. Aluminum and stainless pans are porous, which tend to retain flavors from past cooking.