If you’ve ever seen a tornado on television, you’ve probably heard of the famous cookie with the same name. We know there are many different kinds of tornadoes, but the thunder cake is easy and tasty. If you’re lucky enough to live in the Midwest, you’re probably aware of the fact that the quality of the food here is very ...

Mars is one of the most well-known brands in the world. They make some great-tasting snacks and confectionery, but most of their products are quite delicious. The Mars bar is no exception. This particular brand of the bar is quite popular, and there are health benefits to eating it. Host Petit Beurre writes about eating these bars. If you’ve ever ...

Lisbon is an award-winning, multicultural and friendly city in the southern part of Portugal, situated in the central and eastern part of the country. The city has beautiful and green nature surrounding it, in which it is located. I love Lisbon, and I’m going to tell you why. Lisbon is a city that has changed dramatically over the last few ...

Cakes in America are not just about flour, frosting, and sugar. They have a rich and deep history that develops with the growth of the country. Cakes are synonymous with the celebrations and also come together for happy times. So I also decided to bake a cake on a very special day of my life and share a recipe with ...

The frosty weather and snowfall might render you feeling as solitary as the seemingly desolate sky outside your window. Today, my goal is to sprinkle a bit of joy into your everyday monotony with a scrumptious Clotted Cream Fudge Recipe. I had the opportunity to share this creamy fudge delicacy at a work function about a month ago, and I’m ...

My kids often do not like to drink milk. As a mother, you would be trying hard every single day to get your children to drink a glass of milk, but they just do not like to drink the milk, do they? If your kids do not like to drink milk then you can add milk to their diet by ...

Once I was reading the Baking Bible by Mary Berry when I came to know that Parkin is the most favourite food in North England. Well! It triggered me so much that I started searching for the origin and recipe of Parkin along with the reason for its favouritism. You will be amazed to know that there are some controversies ...

Best Delicious recipe from Kay’s collection over at Kayotic. I think I’ll cover most of her recipes by the end of summer, they are great:-) Again I’ve changed this recipe a bit only because I know based on previous experience that too much flour in a brownie doesn’t work well for me so I replaced the flour with more chocolate.Another ...

Green color has always been so special for me. Due to the presence of greenery and plants in the environment, green color is a symbol of freshness for me. I also love green tea due to the inclusion of natural extracts in it. Despite my huge love for “Green”, I was never attracted to green desserts. Last month, I happened ...

Do you love to have some pies and cakes after a spicy meal? If yes, you can bake such by adding fruits and nuts of your own choice to make your pies more zesty and yummy. Have you ever heard about apple pie without any apple? Absolutely No. Well, I am going to share None Such Mincemeat Pie Recipe in ...