I’m not a big fan of ice cream, but I do like Thomas Jefferson Ice Cream. It’s really delicious but is quite expensive. There are many different flavours that are available, including vanilla, strawberry, chocolate, or banana. If you want to make this ice cream recipe yourself, I am going to share with you a Thomas Jefferson ice cream recipe! ...

Sweet rolls are a traditional Czech pastry sometimes served at Christmas or New Year’s. The dough is usually rolled into a ring shape and filled with sweet and spicy dough and honey and prepared to the point of having a stringy and crispy exterior and a sweet and sticky interior. Sweet rolls are part of Czech cuisine and are made ...

Christmas is one of my favourite holidays. It’s the time that I get to spend with my family, friends, and loved ones. When I tell you I’m including a recipe for holiday food, you might be surprised. But, the truth is that I’m not including a super fancy or complex recipe. I’m doing this because I find that it’s simple, ...

Chick Fil A Cookies Chick Fil A started in the South in the late 1950s, but they quickly moved to Dallas, Texas in 1989. The fast-food company has received many accolades in the past couple of decades for their chicken sandwiches, but they have also been able to expand their business with a series of fast-casual restaurants in the Dallas ...

Tempura Deep Fried Cheesecake If you are looking for a dish to serve at summer picnics, beach picnics or other outdoor events, this recipe is for you. The tempura cheesecake layer is made of cornstarch, baking soda, egg, milk powder, sparkling water and kosher salt. On the top is a mixture of egg yolks, cream cheese, sugar and vanilla extract. ...

I love baking. The winter months are long and dark, and I need all the white lights that I can get. However, one of the biggest problems I have with baking is that I always end up with a lot of butter sticking to the pan. I love brown sugar but I hate the gooey stuff So, I decided to ...

Paula Deen’s Ding Dong Cake Paul Deen is a famous and well-known chef and television personality. She was born on October 23, 1956, in Baton Rouge Louisiana. Born as the only child of legendary jazz musician Sidney and his wife, Pauline Davis, she was raised with her extended family in New Orleans, Louisiana. She began her professional life as an ...

If you’re looking for some delicious rice pudding recipes, look no further than the Kozy Shack! Rice pudding is one of the most comforting and comforting desserts you can find. It is great for breakfast, an afternoon snack, or an evening dessert. You can serve it hot or cold.  You’ll never be able to resist this CopyCat Kozy Shack Rice ...

I am obsessed with desserts. A dessert is something that you will not only look forward to eating every day, but something that you will want to eat a lot of, and a pie is a perfect example of that. I am a firm believer that a meal should be balanced and that dessert should be part of the meal. ...

Ice cream is a sweet dessert that’s perfect for a hot summer day. It’s also a great snack to have during the fall and winter months when you’re going to be going to a lot of parties and functions. Ice cream is typically made with milk, eggs, and sugar. Sometimes ice cream is flavoured with herbs and spices like chocolate ...